
Default Toast
<div class="toast">
	<span class="toast-icon">
		<i class="bi bi-bell-fill"></i>
	<p class="toast-text text-l">
		Default toast


<div class="toast toast-primary">
	<span class="toast-icon">
		<i class="bi bi-chat-left-fill"></i>
	<p class="toast-text text-l">
		Primary toast


Use toast-left-top, toast-left-bottom, toast-right-top and toast-right-bottom to position the toast components.


If you want to animate the toast component you have to install the Neptune Animations library.


<div class="toast toast-primary toast-right-bottom" id="myToast">
	<span class="toast-icon">
		<i class="bi bi-chat-left-fill"></i>
	<p class="toast-text text-l">
		Primary toast

Then you create the component as usual and give it an animation class.

// Get the element you want to animate
const myToast= document.getElementById("myToast");

// Create a new animation instance und start the animation
const enterWebsite= new NeptuneAnimate(myToast, "nep-fade-in-up");

Now you have an animation for your toast component to enter the website. But it should also leave the website again. For this you set a timeout and then call up an animation that makes the toast element disappear again.

// The toast should leave your website after 4.5 seconds
setTimeout(function () {
    const leaveWebsite = new NeptuneAnimate(myElement, "nep-fade-out-down")
 }, 4500);

Her is a Codepen, where you can see the result.

Last updated